

What’s on your Mental Health Swiss Army Knife?

Mental Health Awareness Week is 18-24thMay 2020 and it might be the most important one yet – a mental health crisis is brewing under the surface of the Covid-19 pandemic, … Read More Here

Be a Lockdown Legend with the YinYan Emergency Collective

50+ Stress Busting Classes Live & Interactive Online – Yoga, Pilates, Anxiety Relief, Mindfulness, Cardio, Dance, Family Fitness, Relaxations, plus FREE Chair Yoga, Tea & Tai Chi and more Wellbeing is more important than ever … Read More Here

Urban Splash tenants enjoy “flexible” working with YinYan!

We are delighted to announce our latest landlord partnership with the award winning property company, Urban Splash, with beginner-friendly yoga & pilates classes for people working in the Vanilla Factory and … Read More Here

Help your property to stand out with YinYan – guest blog by Brian Ricketts

We asked employees & tenants, building managers & landlords what having YinYan in their building meant to them recently – and we got some amazing responses, it’s nice to be … Read More Here

5 Reasons why the YinYanBand is for you!

Everybody is invited to join our fun ukulele group, the YinYanBand, with regular sessions in Liverpool city centre – no musical experience is necessary…in fact we quite like it that … Read More Here

Introducing YinYan’s latest venue: Avenue HQ at Mann Island, Liverpool

In case you didn’t already know, we’re a bit different. We provide convenient ways for people to improve their mental & physical health through yoga, pilates, relaxations and more, by … Read More Here

How your posture affects you and the top 5 benefits of spinal alignment

If you’re sitting in your office look around and observe the postures around you. Regardless of how much your boss has spent on chairs most postures will be similar to … Read More Here

Why it’s SO important to make time for your YinYan classes!

‘Work’s so hectic at the minute’, ‘I have to take Jake to football practice’, ‘I’m just so tired after finishing work’, ‘I’m just not sure when I can fit it … Read More Here

The many benefits of tumeric – and a tasty recipe!

Tumeric is so much more than just a ‘spice to add some flavour and colour’ to your meals. It comes with an incredible amount of benefits, and in this blog, … Read More Here

Finding the right yoga or pilates class for beginners

YinYan teacher’s own experiences and words of encouragement for those new to yoga & pilates Are you thinking of giving Yoga or Pilates classes a try? Maybe your back is … Read More Here

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I would definitely recommend it. You go at you own pace and there are always options for everyone, no matter what level you are. You only have to try it once!


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